Much has been written of late about stories and storytelling.

Mel and Pat Ziegler, founders of Banana Republic and serial entrepreneurs, narrate their concept’s early days (BGB, before The Gap buy-out) in Wild Company.

Kentuckian (and former Pittsburgh Pirates player) J.Peterman, no newbie to the art of romance, re-started his eponymous catalog in the early 2000s and is, fingers crossed, succeeding this second time around.  In fact, his newest wrinkle is an online travel adventure bulletin board, building a community for sharing off-beat customer experiences.

Forward-thinking marketers are declaring that do-good promotions are passé, trumped by experiential marketing … and, you got it, stories.

But who’s telling stories?  More, who’s telling them well … and authentically?

Other than actors, of course – and anyone who’s been schooled in presentations (sometimes) and improvisation (occasionally). 

Those of us whose professions rely on tugging hearts and plying emotion – with the whole truth and nothing but  – are, quite frankly, not always so adept at spinning tales.  We forget about protagonists and antagonists.  Rush through the narrative because time is limited.  Ignore the intake of breaths around the plot and the climax and denouement.   And don’t rehearse the actual delivery.

It’s as important inside a business as it is in talking products or services with real-life buyers.  Entertainment for a reason (not for frivolity’s sake) tells our rapt audiences as much as possible, gets them to experience the event through different lenses, underscores a point without preaching, and, in short, screams “genuineness” with a purpose, memorably.  Storytelling’s an art … and an important element of persuasion. 

Which MBA or higher-ed institution will be the first to pioneer that idea in its curricula?


The days of Willy Loman are gone.  Long gone.

Along with, we hope, Ricky Ross and his colleagues from Glengarry Glen Ross.

Yet Arthur Miller and David Mamet’s plays continue to be revived year after year.

Perhaps it’s because today’s sales pro is still a breed apart.  These highly skilled practitioners live for meetings, listen with care, present dynamically, overcome objections, excel at negotiations, and drive for the deal.  Rightfully so, their contributions to the bottom line can be easily calculated. 

Many of us might not immediately accept that selling has become part of our job portfolios.  “Not my competency,” we’ll say.  Or simply sidestep the issue, knowing that handling rejection and mastering cold calls is integral to success.

Wait.  Ever accompany your deal-making counterparts to a prospect or new client meeting?  If you have, no doubt you’ve noticed a few similarities:

  • Preparation is first and in-depth, well before the initial meeting.
  • They ask great questions – and listen hard to the answers.
  • Their to-the-point presentations zero in on benefits and value added.

Which is what we do.  Or should do.

To aspire to become trusted advisors in marketing, in branding, in design, in communications, we need to think about, first, when we sell – and second, how well we do it.   How often have you negotiated for more resources or a longer lead time?  When advocating that a new tool be implemented, do you develop a business case to present for leadership buy-in?  Are you comfortable with an “ask” of any kind?

Selling is now a science, with rigorous processes to adopt.  A few dozen business schools offer courses.  More than a handful of companies and coaches specialize in teaching industry-specific skills – to those working in professional services, within healthcare, for high tech.  Our consulting friends and colleagues have gone through innumerable strategic selling sessions to better their client skills.

It happens every day, in email, on the phone, with a presentation.  Are you ready?      

*Otherwise known as Always-Be-Closing.